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Yoghurt microbiscuit

For the yoghurt microbiscuit

  • 300 pasteurised egg white
  • 60 g caster sugar
  • 60 g powdered almond
  • 20 g flour
  • 60 g Yopol


  • 1 siphon ISI
  • 3 loads of N2O
  1. Put all the ingredients in the blender, shred well until the mixture is fine and even.
  2. Strain the mixture and put it into a siphon adding three loads of gas and beating vigorously between loads.
  3. Put the mixture into a plastic jar up to 1/3 of its capacity. Three small cuts will have been made in the base to even the cooking.
  4. Cook for 30 seconds in the microwave at 900W and take out of the jar, trying not to press too hard so that it does not lose volume.
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