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Spherical peas

For the pea juice:

  • 300 g extra fne frozen peas
  • 375 g water
  1. Put the frozen peas in the blender.
  2. Bring the water to the boil and add the peas.
  3. Shred the peas with the water to obtain a juice.
  4. Strain in a superbag.
  5. Keep in the fridge.

For the spherical pea ravioli base:

  • 500 g pea juice (preparation above)
  • 2,4 g Algin
  1. Mix Algin with 1/3 of the pea juice in a blender to obtain an even mixture with no lumps.
  2. Add the rest of the pea juice and mix well.
  3. Strain and keep in the fridge.

For the Calcic bath:

  • 6,5 g Calcic
  • 1000 g water
  1. Dissolve Calcic in the water with a blender.
  2. Put the mix in a container to obtain a height of about 5 cm.
  3. Keep.

For the spherical pea ravioli:

  1. Fill a hemispherical spoon with the spherical pea ravioli base and pour the contents of the spoon into the Calcic bath.
  2. Leave the pea juice ravioli to cook in the bath for 2 min.
  3. When the 2 min are up take out the ravioli with the spoon with holes and submerge them in cold water to clean them.
  4. Strain the spherical pea ravioli, trying not to break them.
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